We view missions as an essential ministry of our church and our individual members. We are committed to the mobilization of our own resources (prayer, monetary, and human) for the objective of reaching all peoples of the world for Christ.
At TCC, we believe in obedience to the Lord’s commission to go out into the entire world to preach the Gospel, dedicate children, to baptize children of believers and believers, and to care for the saints (local and world-wide believers).
Recognizing the limitations of single individuals, the church has pledged to do its part in fulfilling the Lord’s commission through its body of believers, by corporately supporting individual missionaries and organizations through prayer, monetary and physical gifts. TCC also seeks to encourage members to consider missions as a full time vocation by promoting short-term mission trips as a means to expose individuals to mission opportunities. Trips to Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Poland, Liberia, India and Mexico have resulted in great spiritual growth among participants and heightened missions awareness among the congregation. More trips are planned.
The majority of TCC support goes to the annual support of missionaries and missionary families and organizations. Of these, a large number of missionaries and organizations serve outside our country.