"The silver is mine and the gold is mine, declares the Lord of Hosts" (Haggai 2:8)
Haggai, through four punchy mini “sermons,” urges God’s people who have returned from exile to rebuild the house of the Lord. Haggai basically says, “now is the time!” (Haggai 1:4). When confronted with this forthright message, and by the work of the Spirit (Zechariah 4:6), the heart of the leaders and the community were stirred to action and they started to rebuild the house of the Lord in 520 B.C. (Haggai 1:14).
In 2022, we too have gone through the “exile” of COVID-19 and have now “returned” to the house of the Lord (still with online access for those who cannot come in). We are building the house of the Lord with new and growing programs to fulfill our mission to be and make disciples. We have welcomed our students into worship on Sunday morning and thus resumed a long-standing tradition at TCC for students to worship with their parents. In the tradition of Pilgrim Fellowship of a past generation, students now gather for Revive!, a time of fellowship together on Sunday night and on Wednesday night. We have begun Rise!, a new educational hour to equip people to share their faith in our culture on Wednesday night. Women’s ministries are growing with Women’s Bible Study and the new program Woman to Woman. In the new year, we will launch another discipleship program and, by God’s grace, in 2023, we will fill the positions of Pastor of Family Ministries and Outreach and of Director of Worship. Our commitment to proper maintenance and long-term upkeep of our properties continues unabated and we look forward to renovating the sanctuary during the summer of 2023.
Clearly, much like the time of Haggai, we are in a rebuilding phase. God has been faithful to TCC for almost 200 years and His people have most certainly NOT neglected the house of the Lord. However, it would be very easy for all of us to fall into complacency and discouragement as we look to the challenges of 2023. God wants to bless us (“from this day on I will bless you,” Haggai 2:19) and renew His work in our midst by pouring out His Spirit in MetroWest. We long to see more people turn to Christ and be discipled and sent out as witnesses here in our homes, neighborhoods, schools and workplaces. We are committed to the unfinished task of world evangelization and the preaching of the Gospel to those who have never heard and those who have no access to the Scripture in their own language. As Jesus says, “And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come” (Matthew 24:14).
During this season of financial giving, we pray God Himself will “stir our hearts” (Haggai 1:14) to contribute, knowing full well that the “silver is mine and the gold is mine declares the Lord of hosts.”
Please prayerfully consider the 2023 budget and how each one of us at TCC can financially give to the worship of the Living God and to the proclamation of the Gospel in 2023.
In His Love,
Pastor Tom