With the support of the Board, Finance Committee, and staff, we are thrilled to announce that coming September 2023, TCC will launch a pilot residency program to train pastors for New England churches. The program (see description attached) will run from September 2023 to the end of June 2024 which will allow the candidate to be placed in a church as a senior pastor by Fall 2024. By God's grace, we already have a wonderful candidate for this very exciting venture! Fall 2023 also coincides with my retirement at the seminary, which frees me up to mentor the candidate (along with Donna and others, as well).
Part of this vision is the reality that current seminary education doesn't adequately prepare students for the realities of pulpit ministry in a senior pastor role. In a real sense, it's a return to a model that harks back to the earliest times of the Christian Church and also during the Reformation, where future pastors were mentored both academically and spiritually within a local church (Calvin's Academy in Geneva being the model). Additionally, New England churches tend to be small without the budget for full-time youth and associate pastors, which are the typical funnels for senior pastor roles in larger churches. So there is a real need to prepare these Residents well for this task with a view that their ministry is measured in decades rather than a few years as is often the case now.
This vision for a Residency program is shared by other churches in the area, including Faith Community in Acton, led by Dr. Ryan Fields. Dr. Rick Lints, who is no stranger to TCC, is an active leader in The Presbyterian Church in America churches in New England. Rick also holds a senior leadership role with Tim Keller's Redeemer City-to-City Residency program in NYC. Together, we share the vision of a future Residency program where multiple churches from different denominations participate together in forming the next generation of pastors in our area. We view this collaborative work as an essential part of the vision for this Residency program to flourish. The hope is to run yearly cohorts of 10-15 pastoral candidates in individual churches, with the future creation of a 501(c)(3). So this pilot at TCC is just the beginning of the venture. We are planting seeds for the future.
As a pilot program we have already received some funding, but we are looking at raising $5K per month from September 2023 to June 2024 (a total of $50K). In a very real sense, this is a local outreach effort as we seek to train a new generation of workers into the harvest right here in New England. Tax Deductible donations can be made via a Restricted fund at TCC. Mary Ayotte, our contributions officer, can be contacted at contributions@tccwayland.org.
In His service together,
Pastor Tom