Opening Hymn
Come Thou Almighty King
Verse 1
Come Thou Almighty King
Help us Thy name to sing
Help us to praise
Father all glorious
O’er all victorious
Come and reign over us
Ancient of Days
Verse 2
Come Thou Incarnate Word
Gird on Thy mighty sword
Our prayer attend
Come and Thy people bless
And give Thy Word success
Spirit of holiness
On us descend
Verse 3
Come Holy Comforter
Thy sacred witness bear
In this glad hour
Thou who almighty art
Now rule in ev’ry heart
And ne’er from us depart
Spirit of pow’r
Verse 4
To Thee great One in Three
Eternal praises be
Hence evermore
Thy sov’reign majesty
May we in glory see
And to eternity
Love and adore
Call to Worship
– from Psalm 97
The Lord reigns, let the earth be glad;
let the distant shores rejoice.
Clouds and thick darkness surround him;
righteousness and justice are the foundation of his throne.
The mountains melt like wax before the Lord,
before the Lord of all the earth.
The heavens proclaim his righteousness,
and all peoples see his glory.
Light shines on the righteous
and joy on the upright in heart.
Rejoice in the Lord, you who are righteous,
and praise his holy name.
Praise The Lord (Psalm 117)
Praise the Lord all you nations
extol him all you peoples,
for great is his love for us
Praise the Lord he is faithful
His love endures forever
and great is his love for us.
Verse 1
Sing a song of praise to God enthroned on high,
Bow before the King of the angels,
His mercy and His love, his justice will be known,
lift a song of praise to the Lord!
Verse 2
Boldly shout his praise for he has rescued us,
Sin and death no more can enslave us.
His beauty and his pow’r, displayed at Calvary,
lift a song of praise to the Lord!
Lead On O King Eternal
Verse 1
Lead on O King Eternal
The day of march has come
Henceforth in fields of conquest
Thy tents shall be our home
Thro’ days of preparation
Thy grace has made us strong
And now O King eternal
We lift our battle song
Verse 2
Lead on O King Eternal
Till sin’s fierce war shall cease
And holiness shall whisper
The sweet Amen of peace
For not with swords loud clashing
Nor roll of stirring drums
With deeds of love and mercy
The heav’nly kingdom comes
Verse 3
Lead on O King Eternal
We follow not with fears
For gladness breaks like morning
Where’er Thy face appears
Thy cross is lifted o’er us
We journey in its light
The crown awaits the conquest
Lead on O God of might
Children’s/Youth Ministry Dismissal (11a only)
Now Thank We All Our God
Verse 1
Now thank we all our God
With hearts and hands and voices
Who wondrous things has done
In whom His world rejoices
Who from our mother’s arms
Has blessed us on our way
With countless gifts of love
And still is ours today
Verse 2
O may this bounteous God
Through all our life be near us
With ever joyful hearts
And blessed peace to cheer us
And keep us in His grace
And guide us when perplexed
And free us from all ills
In this world and the next
Verse 3
All praise and thanks to God
The Father now be given
The Son and Him who reigns
With them in highest heaven
The one eternal God
Whom earth and heaven adore
For thus it was is now
And shall be evermore
Scripture Reading
9:30A John Marciniec
11:00A Tom Petter
John 1:43-51
Sermon – The Conclusion
Rev. Kyle Smethurst, Pastor of Family Ministries
Congregational Prayer
9:30A John Marciniec
11:00A Tom Petter
Great Are You Lord
Verse 1
You give life You are love
You bring light to the darkness
You give hope You restore ev’ry heart that is broken
And great are You Lord
Chorus 1
It’s Your breath in our lungs
So we pour out our praise
We pour out our praise
It’s Your breath in our lungs
So we pour out our praise to You only
And all the earth will shout Your praise
Our hearts will cry these bones will sing
Great are You Lord
Rev. Kyle Smethurst, Youth Pastor
Band this Morning: